In our offer we have springs made according to ISO 10243 norm by a world class manufacturer Special Springs. Designed with the highest accuracy and care of details to provide long lasting efficiency, protection, and work stability.
Thanks to constantly replenished stock we are able to ensure the continuity of supply of springs according to the standard ISO 10243 of rectangular and circular wire.
The product alternative to steel springs are the elastomeric springs. In our offer we have elements made of high quality polyurethane elastomeric, available in different hardnesses: 80, 90, 95 ShA and sizes from Ø 12 - Ø 160 which allows wide use in forming tools. As a complement, we offer extractors, strippers and elastomeric shock absorbers for dies and blanking dies also guide pins for elastomeric springs and discs for guide case, and spring plungers of different diameters.